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Nimbo > Knowledgebase > Using the editor > URLs of uploaded files
URLs of uploaded files
Sometimes it's necessary to get the specific address (also called URL, or link) of a file you've uploaded to your website's file library - be it an image, PDF, or some other kind of document. The following steps will walk you through how to get that address:
- Go to edit any standard page in the editor.
- Click somewhere in the editable page content to bring up the formatting toolbar.
- Click the "link" icon (5th from the right).
- In the panel that appears, click the link icon to the far right of the "LINK" field.
- In the next panel, find your file (or upload it using the top area) and click on the file name. This will select the file and automatically close the large panel.
- Back in the small panel, copy the text that is now in the LINK textbox (it will start with and finish with an extension like .jpg or .pdf) - this is the URL of your file. Once you've copied it, you can close/cancel the link panel, and safely leave the editor.