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Connect your Billcue account in Nimbo to take advantage of automated daily export of your Nimbo shop order data.

Features include:

Billcue integration is available for the Ecommerce plan and above. Integration packages are based on order volume and start at just $10 per month, with the first three months completely free.

Add it to your site

  1. In your Billcue account, go to Invoicing  >  Invoicing data  >  Billcue Invoice API.
  2. In a separate browser tab, in Nimbo go to Settings  >  3rd Party Apps  >  Scroll down until you see the "Billcue" panel.
  3. Copy the information from your Billcue account to the form, then click Save changes.

That's it! Nimbo will now automatically send order information directly to Billcue.