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Secret products

Setting a product to secret allows you to offer it only to people you share the direct link with. When a product is secret, there are no automatic links to it from any page within your site, including category pages, search results and dynamic shop app content blocks.

It's a handy way to create standalone promo products without making them publicly available.

Features include:

The secret product feature is available on the Advanced plan.

Use it in your site

  1. Ensure you're on the Advanced plan.
  2. In the manage products section of the shop app, edit any product and toggle on the "Secret product" option.
  3. Save changes, then close the Edit panel.
  4. In the product list, click the "View" button to open the secret product in a new browser tab.
  5. Copy the page address from the browser location bar (eg., and share as needed.


  • You can store the secret product anywhere you like in your shop categories, it will be hidden regardless.
  • Make sure your product is "Live" - no one will be able to purchase it if it's "Offline".