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Online shop app

Start selling online with our sleek, user-friendly integrated shop app. We offer two levels - a basic but flexible setup that provides everything you need to get started, and a more advanced level that includes a suite of sophisticated selling tools and features to get you ahead of the game. 

Features included in the Basic Shop app:

The basic shop app is available on the Ecommerce plan and above.

Features included in the Advanced shop app:

The Advanced shop app is available on the Advanced plan.

Add it to your site

  1. Ensure you're on the Ecommerce plan or above.
  2. In the left menu, go to Apps > Shop.
  3. Enable the shop, enter your initial settings, and save your changes.
  4. You will be guided through creating your first categories (optional) and products. (You can also come back to this process later by going to Apps > Shop > Products in the control menu.)
  5. When you've finished adding products, ensure at least one category and at least one product are set to show on the site (in the list views, click "Offline" to toggle to "Live").
  6. Add your payment and shipping methods.
  7. In the left menu, go to Pages > "Page ordering" button, and drag your shop category pages to where you want them to appear in your main menu.

Quick access

When the shop app is enabled, a dedicated quick access panel is added to your dashboard. The panel displays:

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  • You can return to the shop app area at any time, and any changes you make, on any of the pages, will instantly be applied to your website.
  • Check the connection guides help article for adding the more involved shipping and payment methods to your shop.